Anchored in Truth- A Family’s Journey to Righteousness

The Compass of Truth – A Family's Journey through Moral Relativism
In a small village nestled between rolling hills and vibrant green meadows, there lived a family known for their kindness, their unwavering faith, and their deep love for each other. This family, the Lems, were parents of three children: Ayana, a young woman full of dreams, Samuel, a boy just beginning to understand the world around him, and little Zuri, whose innocence mirrored the beauty of the dawn.
Though they lived simple lives, the Lems' bond was strengthened by their shared beliefs in truth, righteousness, and the values passed down through generations. The world, however, was not as simple as their hearts. As Ayana grew older, she began to question the absolute truths her parents had taught her. The world outside was full of competing ideologies, and she soon encountered the philosophy of moral relativism—the belief that truth is subjective and changes depending on perspective.
The Path of Righteousness
"Let us walk in the light of Yahusha." —(Yeshayahu )-Isaiah 2:5 (Halaleyah Scriptures)
Ayana had always believed in an absolute standard of truth. Her mother,
Carrie, would often remind her of the foundational verses in the Halaleyah Scriptures-
"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." — (Mishlĕy)-Proverbs 14:34 (King James Version)
She grew up hearing the words of the ancient wisdom passed down in the Torah and from the teachings of Yahusha. But when she entered college, Ayana was introduced to a different world—a world where every person's truth was their own, and morality was seen as a matter of personal choice. The idea that there was no absolute truth, only relative truth, troubled her deeply.
One evening, as the family gathered around the table, Ayana posed the question that had been stirring in her heart. "Mom, Dad, is there really only one truth? Or do we each create our own truth depending on our circumstances?"
Her father, Judah, smiled gently and spoke: "My dear Ayana, you must remember the words of our ancestors* 'The law of Yahusha is perfect, converting the soul.' (Tellihim)-(Psalm 19:7, KJV) Truth, as it is written in the scriptures, is not bound by time, nor by place. It is unchanging. But the world around us will attempt to sway us. The challenge is to remain steadfast in what we know to be true."
Carrie added, "Remember, Yahusha Himself said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.' Yohanan -(John 14:6, KJV). If there is no absolute truth, then there is no way, and if there is no way, then there is no life. But Yahusha has given us both."
The Pillars of Truth
"But as for me and my house, we will serve Yahusha." — Joshua 24:15 (Halaleyah Scriptures)
The next day, Ayana went on a journey of discovery. She spoke to her friends, read books, and watched lectures. Yet, the more she explored the world of moral relativism, the more unsettled she became. She realized that without an absolute truth, nothing could stand firm. If every individual's truth was subject to change, then what would become of justice, love, or integrity? Would there be no standard to hold society accountable?
She confided in her younger brother, Samuel, whose wisdom was simple yet profound. "Sis," he said, "what if we build our lives on sand? Everything changes, and one day, it will all fall apart. But if we build on the rock of truth, we are secure no matter what happens."
Ayana thought about his words as they sat together under the stars that night. She reflected on the teachings of Yahusha, who always spoke of truth as the firm foundation for everything-
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." — (Yohanan) -John 8:32 (KJV)
It was clear to Ayana that truth was not just a philosophy; it was a liberating force, a guiding compass.
The Laws of the Land
"I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life." —(Debrim)- Deuteronomy 30:19 (KJV)
As Ayana continued her journey, she found that the ancient Kemetic Laws, too, spoke about the importance of truth and righteousness. In the teachings of Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of truth, balance, and cosmic order, Ayana found echoes of the wisdom she had known her entire life. The Kemetic laws emphasized harmony and moral integrity, calling each person to act in accordance with what was right, not according to subjective desires, but in alignment with the natural order of the universe.
One evening, as Ayana sat with her mother, she shared her discovery: "Mom, the teachings of Ma'at speak of the same things. There is truth in the order of the world, and we are called to live by it."
Carrie smiled and responded, "Truth, whether found in the scriptures or in the wisdom of the ancients, remains the same. The Almighty has woven His truth into the fabric of the universe. What Ma'at teaches is the same as what Yahusha has taught us. There is no conflict, only alignment."
A Family United in Truth
"How can two walk together, except they be agreed?" — Amos 3:3 (KJV)
In the final days of Ayana's search, her heart was full. She returned to her parents, now fully convinced of the necessity of absolute truth. "I have realized," Ayana said, "that truth is the foundation of all things. Without it, we cannot stand firm. Without it, there is no purpose or meaning. I choose to follow the truth of Yahusha, the same truth that binds us all together."
Judah and Carrie embraced their daughter, proud of her journey. "You have chosen wisely, Ayana," her father said. "You see, we are not just individuals, but part of something greater. Our family, our community, and the world—everything must align with truth. We must live by it, speak it, and share it."
Brothers and sisters, in a world where many seek to define truth for themselves, we are called to stand firm. As we read in the Halaleyah Scriptures, "Yahusha is the King forever and ever"Tellihim -(Psalm 10:16, Halaleyah Scriptures). His truth does not change, and His laws are eternal. It is up to us to choose the path of righteousness, to live according to His truth, and to inspire others to do the same.
WBJMinistries stands as a beacon of this eternal truth, a reminder that we are part of something greater than ourselves, something anchored in the wisdom of the ages. Let us walk in the truth, as a family united in love, guided by the light of YAHUSHA.
May we all have the strength to walk in His ways and share His truth with the world. Halaleyah.