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Harmony of Grace- Guided by Yahusha in the Cosmic Order

The Divine Harmony of Grace, Order, and Wisdom

Let's begin in Prayer

Eternal and Almighty Creator of the Cosmos, Yahusha, we come to You today with open hearts and spirits, yearning for Your wisdom and grace to fill us. As we gather in Your holy presence, may Your light guide our thoughts, and may Your truth resonate in every word spoken. May WBJMinistries be a beacon of love and strength for all seeking to align their lives with Your purpose. Allow Your Spirit to speak to us now, moving us to greater understanding and harmony. In all things, we seek Your wisdom and peace. HalleluYah!

Scripture Reading*

Let us turn to the Word of Yahusha, found in (Qrinthyim )-1 Corinthians 14:34-35, a passage that has stirred many hearts over the centuries. It reads*

> "Let your women keep silent in the assemblies, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in the assembly."

Here's The Message*

As we come before this scripture, we recognize the challenges of understanding ancient words in modern times. For some, these verses may appear restrictive, yet, within them lies a deeper invitation for us to grow in grace, wisdom, and divine harmony.

Understanding Grace and Order

The cosmos itself, created by Yahusha, is a beautiful balance of order and harmony, where every star, planet, and galaxy has its place and purpose. In the same way, Yahusha calls us, as His children, to live within a divine order that leads to peace and unity. As Halaleyah scriptures often echo, "The heavens declare the glory of Yahusha, and the firmament shows His handiwork" Tellihim -(Psalm 19:1, Halaleyah Scriptures). Just as every part of the cosmos follows Yahusha’s design, so too are we invited to align our lives with His purposes.

In this scripture, Paul speaks not to silence women, but rather to invite them, and all believers, into an ordered worship, where the beauty of Yahusha’s Word is experienced in unity and respect. Yahusha’s design for harmony in the assembly is like the movements of celestial bodies in the heavens—a place where each part plays its role in glorifying the Creator.

Wisdom’s Call to Each of Us

Proverbs 31 reminds us of the virtuous woman who “opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness” Mishlĕy )-(Proverbs 31:26, Halaleyah Scriptures). Yahusha calls all of His children, both women and men, to be vessels of His wisdom. Within WBJMinistries, our goal is to honor Yahusha by uplifting every voice He has gifted with His truth. When Paul speaks of women learning in order and submission, it is an encouragement for all of us to seek Yahusha’s wisdom humbly.

The Purpose of Humility and Learning

Our journey in faith is always one of growth, a journey to learn Yahusha’s heart for us, His people. Proverbs 2:6 (Halaleyah Scriptures) says, "For Yahusha gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." We are reminded that learning and submission are acts of strength and humility, showing a willingness to yield to the divine wisdom Yahusha has placed within His creation.

Through WBJMinistries, may we create a space where the spirit of Yahusha’s wisdom flows freely, lifting every soul. Let us be inspired by the patience of the stars and the steady presence of the earth itself, humbly learning to serve Yahusha’s purpose with reverence.

A Call to Shine in Unity and Grace

As we consider the wisdom of Paul’s words, let us be moved to live in unity and grace. Just as Yahusha created the heavens with brilliance and balance, we too are called to embody this beauty. Let us move forward in our ministry with a heart to learn from Yahusha, to speak His truth, and to encourage one another.

May WBJMinistries be a place where Yahusha’s light shines brightly, a reflection of the harmony found in the vast cosmos, bringing His message of love and peace to all who seek Him.

Let us close it with Prayer

O Yahusha, Creator of the heavens and the earth, we praise You for Your divine order, Your wisdom, and Your boundless grace. As we go forth from this message, we ask that You deepen our understanding of Your ways, helping us to live with humility, love, and unity. Guide WBJMinistries in the ways of Your heart, that we may serve You with the purity of the stars and the steadfastness of the earth. May Your Spirit rest upon every person here, lifting them to live fully in Your purpose. We offer this prayer in gratitude and devotion.




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