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Victory of the Mind -Overcoming Deception with Yahusha's Truth

The Battle of the Mind- Overcoming with Grace and Truth

In this world, there is a battle that rages unseen, a battle for our hearts, minds, and souls. This is not a battle of flesh and blood, but a battle of the mind. It’s the spiritual war that shapes our thoughts, emotions, and decisions. Today, we look to the Word of Yahusha, the strength of His Spirit, and the power of grace to overcome the lies and deceptions that war against our peace. We also contrast the truth of the Most High with the counterfeit forces of darkness, like the Kundalini spirit, which seeks to lead us astray. But in Yahusha, we find victory, freedom, and peace.

Scripture Foundations-

Halaleyah Scripture Tellihim -(Psalm 24:1)

"The earth is Yahusha's and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein."

Traditional Bible Qrinthyim- (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Elohim to the pulling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah."

We are in a constant battle of the mind, where every thought, emotion, and action is either leading us toward righteousness or pulling us away from it. But Yahusha, through His grace and power, offers us the weapons of spiritual Warfare- truth, righteousness, and peace.

The Story*

Imagine a warrior standing at the gates of an ancient city, a city filled with confusion, temptation, and spiritual darkness. This warrior is You, standing firm in the Word of Yahusha, facing the onslaught of evil that seeks to overtake your mind. Behind you, there is a great army of angels, the hosts of heaven, standing at the ready, armed with the truth of Yahusha’s Word.

In the city, there are two powerful forces at play. One is the force of light, the truth of the Most High. The other is the spirit of deception, much like the Kundalini spirit, which is rooted in the practice of self-reliance, false enlightenment, and spiritual confusion. This spirit seeks to awaken desires in the flesh that lead to destruction, mimicking the light but leading souls astray.

Halaleyah Scripture Yeshayahu -(Isaiah 11:2-3)

"And the Spirit of Yahusha will rest upon Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of Yahusha; and He shall make Him of quick understanding in the fear of Yahusha-and He shall not judge after the sight of His eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of His ears."

In this great spiritual battle, the spirit of deception, like the Kundalini spirit, tries to entice us into relying on our own strength, wisdom, and knowledge. It whispers lies, saying that enlightenment comes from within, that we do not need the guidance of Yahusha or His truth. But the Word of Yahusha is clear. True wisdom comes from Him alone. The spirit of Yahusha, as spoken in (Yeshayahu)-Isaiah, does not come from our own works or effort; it is a gift from the Most High that fills us with understanding, counsel, and fear of Yahusha.

As the warrior stands firm, the Kundalini spirit attempts to seduce the mind. It promises self-power, control, and enlightenment, urging the warrior to seek spiritual elevation through practices that bypass Yahusha’s authority. But Yahusha, through His grace, offers a better way. He teaches that true power is found in humility, surrender, and submission to the will of the Father.

Traditional Bible Romiyim-(Romans 12:2)

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of Elohim."

The Transformation of the Mind-

As the warrior stands, weary from the attack of deception, the words of Yahusha resound in their mind- "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." The grace of Yahusha, like a healing balm, begins to calm the chaos. Every false thought, every lie from the enemy, begins to fall away. The spirit of Yahusha fills the warrior, renewing their mind with the peace that passes all understanding.

The battle is not one fought by human strength. It is fought with the power of Yahusha’s truth, His grace, and His Word. Through the renewing of the mind, the warrior’s thoughts align with Yahusha’s will, and the false spirit of self-reliance and confusion is banished.

Halaleyah Scripture Tellihim -(Psalm 119:105)

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

The warrior, now filled with light, sees the path ahead clearly. The deceptive spirit of Kundalini, which once seemed so enticing, now appears empty and hollow. The warrior no longer seeks wisdom from within, but from the Word of Yahhush, which lights the way.

The Victory-

The battle of the mind is not one of fighting in the flesh but of standing firm in the grace and truth of Yahusha. The spirit of deception cannot withstand the power of His Word. As we align our thoughts with the truth of Yahusha, we are set free from the lies of the enemy. We are no longer slaves to confusion, doubt, or fear. In Yahusha, we find peace, victory, and a sound mind.

Traditional Bible (Timothyah) (2 Timothy 1:7):

"For Yahusha has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

Brothers and sisters, the battle of the mind is real, and it is fierce. But remember that the weapons we fight with are not of this world. Through the Word of Yahusha, through His grace, we are more than conquerors. Do not be deceived by the false promises of enlightenment that seek to elevate the self. True peace, true wisdom, and true victory are found in surrendering to Yahusha and allowing His Spirit to renew our minds.

Let us stand firm in the truth of Yahusha’s Word, casting down every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Yahusha. In Him, we find victory over the battle of the mind.


Father Yahhush, we come before You today, recognizing the spiritual battle that rages within us. We thank You for the truth of Your Word, which guides us and sets us free. Help us to discern the lies of the enemy, especially the spirit of deception that seeks to mislead us. Renew our minds through Your grace, and fill us with the peace that comes from knowing You. May we always seek wisdom from You alone and walk in Your truth. In Yahusha’s name, we pray.



May the peace of Yahusha be with you always as you stand firm in His truth and grace. And may the light of His Word guide your steps, giving you victory in the battle of the mind. Halaleyah!


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