Breaking the Chains- Overcoming the Demons of Lack Through Faith and Promise

A Grace-Filled Journey- Overcoming the Demons of Lack
Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father, Yahusha, King of all Kings, we humbly come before You, seeking Your guidance, wisdom, and peace. Thank You for equipping us to stand against the schemes of the enemy. As we delve into Your Word, may our hearts be filled with faith, our minds with understanding, and our spirits with the courage to fight the battle against the lies of lack. Let Your truth resonate deeply within us and bring us closer to You. Halal Yah!
The Story of Sam and Rachel- A Lesson in Fighting Lack*
Sam and Rachel were two believers who loved Yahusha deeply. They were members of WBJMinistries and lived their lives serving others and spreading joy. Yet, they felt a persistent emptiness. It wasn’t the kind of emptiness that came from material needs but a constant nagging that whispered, “You’re not enough. You don’t have enough.”
Sam often thought about the house he could not afford, the career he never pursued, and the opportunities he missed. Rachel struggled with feeling inadequate as a mother and wife. She saw others thriving and often asked, “Why not me, Yahusha?”
These thoughts consumed them, draining their energy and stealing their joy. They were unknowingly under attack by the demon of lack—a spirit sent to rob them of their contentment and focus on Yahusha’s provision.
One evening, Rachel opened her Halal Scriptures and read aloud from Tehillim (Psalms) 23:1
"Yahushais my Shepherd; I shall not lack."
As she read, the words felt like a fresh wind in her spirit. She called Sam, and they began to reflect on what Yahusha had already provided. Together, they realized they weren’t alone in this battle.
The Battle Plan- Fighting the Spirit of Lack
Sam and Rachel turned to the Word of Yahusha for guidance. These were the steps they took-
Identify the Lie
The first step in their journey was recognizing the lies whispered by the enemy.
(Qrinthyim) -2 Corinthians 10:5 reminds us- "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God/Elohim, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ/Yahusha."
They wrote down every negative thought and compared it to the truth of the Scriptures.
Replace the Lie with Truth
Each time a thought of lack came, they replaced it with Yahusha’s promises-
Halal Scriptures-Chazon (Revelation) 3:8- "Behold, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it."
(Philippiyim )-Philippians 4:19- "And my God /Elohim will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus/Yahusha."
Speak Life
The power of life and death is in the tongue Mishlĕy -(Proverbs 18:21). Sam and Rachel began declaring Scriptures daily*
Tehillim-(Psalms)34:10- "The young lions lack and suffer hunger, but those who seek Yahusha shall not lack any good thing."
(Mattithyahu) -Matthew 6:33- "Seek first the Kingdom of God /Elohim and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
Pray and Fast
They incorporated prayer and fasting as weapons of warfare.
Mark 9:29- "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting."
Through WBJMinistries, they joined a prayer circle that supported one another during these spiritual battles.
Serve Others
To fight the feelings of lack, they shifted their focus outward by serving the community.
Halal Scriptures- Mishlei (Proverbs) 11:25- "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."
The Breakthrough
As Sam and Rachel faithfully followed these steps, they felt the chains of lack breaking. Yahusha began to open their eyes to His daily provisions- the roof over their heads, the relationships that enriched their lives, and the peace that came from knowing they were loved unconditionally.
They shared their testimony at WBJMinistries, where others struggling with the same spiritual attacks found hope. Together, they created a ministry initiative called "From Lack to Abundance" to equip others with the tools to fight these battles.
Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the truth of Your Word and the victory we have in Yahusha. Thank You for reminding us that we are never alone in the battle against the lies of the enemy. Help us to hold fast to Your promises, to replace fear with faith, and to live in the abundance of Your grace. Let us be a light to others, bringing hope to those struggling with the spirit of lack. Halal Yahusha! Halleluyah.
Remember: Yahusha’s promise is clear- "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."Yohanan -(John 10:10)
Stand firm, beloved of Yahusha. You are more than a conqueror!