Guided by Light - A Prayer for Harmony and Wisdom
Here's a powerful and effective prayer inspired by elements of Japanese culture, blended with the spiritual focus of WBJMinistries and...
Steadfast in Commitment -Fulfilling Yah's Purpose Together
Numbers 32 provides an account of the tribes of Reuben and Gad, who, after seeing the fertile land on the east side of the Jordan River,...
A Lesson in Humility-Adopting Yah's Sovereignty
Beloved WBJMinistries family, today we draw inspiration from Daniel 4—a powerful chapter that teaches us the importance of humility...
New Beginnings with the New Moon
The Power of New Beginnings As we stand at the dawn of a new moon, we are reminded of the beauty and significance of new beginnings. In...
Walking in Yahusha’s Light
Let’s begin! Welcome to a journey of inspiration and renewal through Yahusha’s teachings, guided by the principles of WBJMinistries and...
A Journey of Faith: The Story of WBJMinistries Online
In the heart of New York City, WBJMinistries Online began as a small idea with a big purpose: to spread Yahusha’s word across the world....
Guarding Your Heart Against Evil Plans
Ezekiel 38:10 from the Halleluyah Scriptures can be a compelling verse to build a sermon around. Here's the verse from the Halleluyah...
Guarding Our Conduct and Honoring Yahuah -Lessons from Sirach 42
My Journey To My Full Potential
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Rumi Even when the doing seems hard or when the doing...
How Do You Know Who You Are?
People who are evil doers can be saved. Nevertheless, EVIL CANNOT BE SAVED. Therefore, it's imperative for it to push the sameness. So,...