Rise Up -African American Men, Vote Blue for Justice and Progress
A Call to Action for African American Men: Honor Your Legacy, Vote Blue This Sabbath Brothers, as African American men, we stand on the...
Liberated by Faith -The Strength of Our Ancestry
The Power of Divine Protection: Understanding Our Identity in Yahusha Beloved family in Yahusha, today we gather to delve into the...
Anchored in Faith -Yahusha's Protection Through the Storm
Trusting in Yahusha’s Protection During the Storm Scripture Reading: Psalm 91:1-2 (KJV) “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most...
Sabbath Day Sermon
Sabbath Day Sermon- The Rest That Restores Greetings, beloved saints of WBJMinistries! I stand before you today to share a word of...
The Trumpet of Faith: WBJMinistries Proclaiming Yahusha's Return
Sermon- The Trumpet of Feast Days Title: Sound the Trumpet, the King is Coming! Beloved family of WBJMinistries, today, we gather in...
The Power of Vibrations and Sound: Aligning with Yahusha through Halleluyah Scripturesled
The Power of Vibrations and Sound: Aligning with Yahusha through Halleluyah Scriptures Opening Prayer- Heavenly Father, we come before...
Bridging Light and Darkness: Yahusha's Victory Through Polarity
Sermon:The Power of Polarity: Embracing Opposites in Yahusha  Shalom, beloved! Today, we gather in the name of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach to...
Confession and Cleansing: Embracing Yahusha's Forgiveness
The Power of Forgiveness: A New Beginning in Yahusha" Scripture: 1 John 1:9 (Halleluyah Scriptures) - "If we confess our sins, He is...
Sermon: The Danger of Ignoring Yah's Wisdom
Sermon: The Danger of Ignoring Yah’s Wisdom Shalom, brothers and sisters. Today, we turn to the book of Proverbs, where Yahuah speaks...
The Blessing Of Solidarity In Faith
In the heart of our spiritual journey lies a profound blessing: the unity of purpose and faith in Yahusha. This chapter explores the...